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Jack among students.

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with Agneta Falk Hirschman in San Francisco's Caffe Trieste, 2013.

'Jack Hirschman'

Always leaning forward,

His "oldest paperboy's"

Satchel slung over one shoulder,

Red muffler emblazoning black overcoat,

Or his elbows out on a central table of Spec’s

Amid that Bar's brassy mementos of Seaman's ports,

As his smiling nods and emphases

Encouraged the Brigades and Workships

Gathered round,

Jack was always there,


Jack was there for every War,

Ev'ry unjust War of Empire--

LIke Aggie, Sarah, Kristen,

Alfonso, Francisco, q.r., Lawrence,

Devorah, Genny, Opal, Boabida, ...

Were there in protest with their poetry.

Jack a Bronx teen-ager

Embraced the caves of Fellaheen.

Jack lost his cush post at U.C.L.A.

For refusing U.S. carnage in Vietnam.

Jack took poverty as part of the Street.

Marx, Spinoza, Hart Crane approve

Chosen pillow, chalice, temple!

Passionate sacrifice!

A poet’s room—yeah, the space is singular--

Books, papers, dithyrambs, Arcanes, ...

A clutter askew and a-strewn

With industry.

Never miss an appointed day or night

Of bringing The People’s Tribune

To Broadway and Columbus, Mission and 24th, ...

Never let the Will's transcendencet into Spirit flag!

Plus, butterflies!

How those colors

Of even insect hearts’ gallant

Endeavor do delve and dance

The glistening of grass

In Washington Square, Mission Dolores, ...

Hold that subject

Close as any rage, mystery, epiphany.


’87 with the homeless

In their Civic Center camp of cardboard,

Cold socks, running noses, ... ’89, ‘Home’ too.

Among the first cassette of Rebel Poets

’92 firing ‘Insurrection’, ‘Yes Yes Yes’ against the ‘No No No’

Of endless beatings and deprivals exposed by Rodney King.

9/11 and forever after,

This finale of Big Lies stripping freedom into scanners

As Towers’ disintegrated and rebuilt serve as reminders.

Plus (never fail  Greeks' and Turks' ... wine!) caresses!

Rewards beyond excess,

The calling opening

Into clefts for transport and root.

Ideas made soul, emergent from great women,

Manifest rolling shades of painting,

A dimple, wrinkle, flair, ...

Each muse again a meeting heart of many parts;

Rest head by coals and watch the fire.

Oh, Jack was there

For all of it,

Never tiring for all of it

And despite all of it.

One of the Roughs, one speaking to the Stars,

On his made-brilliant corners and Ishmael’s cabin voyaging!

The dearest Abrazo where one can hear 

Beats from another's sweat-wet breast.

Stepping, stepping—Keep on stepping

Like Clark and Glenn and more of other Jacks’  music—

Jack, you're there, guy!--Rebels’ bower, people’s power!



September 13, 2021

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Sarah Menefee's tribute to Jack n The People's Tribune.

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The Mission's Dolores Park could be a very pretty place.

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1989, graphic artist Seth Tobocman.

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One of the numberless tributes that poet, essayist, translator, activist Jack Hirschman helped into being,
this one to his fellow devotee, Bob Kaufman.

Please see these Web presences about Jack. They're source for several of the photos above and below. 

SARAH MENEFEE'S tribute in August 2021.

MATT GONZALEZ'S web-page of deeply and broadly documenting history and images, begun
over 15 years ago and continuing into now.

AGNETA FALK HIRSCHMAN'S poetry and images.

Also, there's a review that I wrote for BETSEY CULP'S SF Call in 2003 that's available in print on the WeAreRevolutions&YouAreHeretoShine website and in audio on Bandcamp.

Thanks to Aggie, Matt, Sarah, Bobby Coleman, Dorothy Payne, Eve Pell, Safi of KPFA, Jonathan Richman, and many, many more.


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Painting by Jack.

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Lawrence and Jack at the time (2006) of Jack's also becoming the Poet Laureate of San Francisco.

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Poets and painters, including Jack, Kristen Wetterhahn, Neeli Cherkovski, David Meltzer, Diana DiPrima, in Union Square, 1976.

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With Jack and Matt, San Francisco, 2013.

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