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The WEF (World Enslavement Forum), Part 3: WEF's Soft War Like NAZIs' Hard War In Killing Millions


Updated: Jan 14, 2023

A Conclave of Criminals Who Hide Their Pasts, Rob Their Constituents, and Who Can't "Tolerate" Opponents

The World Economic Forum is studded at its top levels with descendants of collaborators with Germany's NAZI Party and Military during World War II.

Past is preclude. Past actions of Public Officials toward people under their Administration particularly presage how they'll behave again.

Ancestors speak as well. How a descendant presents his or her past is a good guide

to his or her allegiances and integrity.

Klaus Schwab, Executive Director for-life of the WEF, is the first-born son of the Managing Director of the Escher Wyss factory in Ravensburg, Germany. (1) Eugen Schwab employed slave-labor in helping Escher Wyss manufacture turbines for the NAZI Wehrmacht (War-Machine) during World War II. (2)

Klaus Schwab hides the NAZI and Fascist connections in his youth--his first, formative five or so years. He does not hide the Fascist fundamentals of his 'Agenda' for the World Economic Forum. Rather, he extols these basic, de-individuating intentions and makes global the definitions of Fascism offered by Benito Mussolini.

Mussolini wrote in the Italian Encyclopedia of 1932, as quoted in my 2008 The World Is Turning. page 181: 'The Fascist conception of life streesses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only insofar as his interests coincide with the State.' (3)

Above, octogenarian Klaus Schwab and 50-something Benito Mussolini as part of the banner for my November 2020 ‘The Great Reset Is a Global Techno-Fascist State’ (4) on the We Are Revolutions and You Are Here to Shine website.

Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Canada, belongs to the 31-member Board of Trustees for the WEF; she's the only Minister of any Government so emplaced. See Freeland below wth seven other of the 31 WEF Trustees, including Larry Fink of BlackRock and Mark Carney, once of Goldman Sachs and the Bank of England and now the United Nations' Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance. (5)

Chrystia Freeland also has direct ties to collaboration with NAZIs that she hides.

She's grand-daughter of the Editor, Michael Chomiak, of daily and weekly Ukrainian-language newspapers that propagandized for the NAZI Wehrmacht between 1939 and 1949.

Chrystia Freeland as recently as February 27, 2022 in Toronto marched with a black-and-red scarf bearing the slogan “Slava Ukraini,” or “Glory to Ukraine” . (6)

Freeland posted on Twitter with a photo and her endorsement, this day three days after Russia invaded the Ukraine.

Many in alternative media, ranging from Candice Malcolm of True North and

Jim Clayton of World Socialist News, questioned Freeland's choices. Jeremy Appel

of Canadian Dimension wrote:

'Freeland, who has made her Ukrainian heritage a major focus of her political brand, tweeted out the photo of her holding up a black and red scarf that had “Slava Ukraini,” or “Glory to Ukraine” written on it, with the relatively innocuous caption, “We stand united. We stand with Ukraine.”

The scarf’s colour scheme, as well as the slogan on it, were adopted by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an offshoot of the more radical wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists led by Stepan Bandera.

“Red and black are the colours of the Bandera Wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. The flag symbolizes blood and soil, and was adopted by that organization in 1941, along with an explicitly totalitarian program. The black-and-red banner is a symbol intimately connected with the most radical Ukrainian right-wing tradition,” Per Anders Rudling, a historian of nationalism, explained to the Toronto Star.' (7)

As an 18-year-old in Edmonton, Alberta, Chrystia Freeland helped to edit the multi-volume Encyclopedia of Ukraine that Kubivovych (deceased 1985, one year after

Michael Chomiak's passing) had begun.

Again Richard Sanders, editor of Press for Conversion with the COAT (Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade, is admirably thorough.

Part 12 of Richard Sanders' series tells. 'Although the official narrative states that Freeland's journalistic career began in her early 20s when she suddenly started writing for some of the world's largest corporate newspapers while she was in Ukraine, the reality is that Freeland had started along this path as early as 1986. In that year, at age 18, Freeland got a Canadian government-funded summer job with the University of Alberta's Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS). The CIUS, a part of the University of Alberta in Edmonton had been created through Alberta government funding in 1976.[i] Freeland's job involved writing articles for a CIUS print project called the Encyclopedia of Ukraine.[ii] Kubijovych, who was her grandfather's former wartime boss, was the mastermind behind this encyclopaedic effort to rewrite Ukrainian history. He had just died in 1985, the year before Freeland started writing articles for his encyclopedia.' (9)

We shift to another WEF Young Global Leader (2005), Gavin Newsom, Governor of California since 2019. Gavin is the first-born son of the leading attorney for Getty Oil fortunes in California, William Newsom III. (7)

William was appointed to California's First District Court of Appeal by Governor Jerry Brown in 1978.

The slaughter

Above is Otto von Bolschwing, son of Prussian nobility, who joined the NAZI Party at age 23 in 1932, in a Visa photo of 1953, courtesy the U.S. Department of Justice and a 2014 piece by the Washington Post. (13)

The entangling ties of history lead to present days. The NAZI Party and its Fascist

and racist allies waged Hard War--very Hard, Fanatical, Self-serving and Totalitarian War in words and in deeds that entailed mass disempowerment and then extermination of often defenseless targets.

The World Economic Forum wages a Soft War of seeming benevolence through Investments, 'Development', Medicines and Technology, promising 'Progress', 'Safety' and a 'Sustainable Environment'. The WEF'S Soft War nonetheless intends and sometimes accomplishes disempowerment of whole Nation's populations at the least. Its smiling propaganda is now notorious for telling us to be 'Happy' with owning 'Nothing.'

Its 'Meet the Leader' invitations tell us who will be in, who will be "out", as regards its Agenda's future.

Achim Steiner, a German born in Brasil, heads the United Nations Development Programme. He was among Leaders given Platforms of Authority at 'Davos 2022', the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in eastern Switzerland, May 22 to 22 of this year. His exclusionary arrogance is emblematic of from-the-top-down Forum. (14)

The WEF creates supposed 'Crisis' for which only the International Monetary Fund and Banks with bases in Switzerland offer best solutions.

Big wheels of the WEF kept rolling this month, annoncing another 'crisis' for Africa The Forum set forth 'solutions' that would open Nations to incurring more Debt from the International Monetary Fund and from Banks that are leading among the WEF's 100 'Strategic Partner' Corporations. (15)

Most malevolent and ominous for us in 2022 and onward, programs sponsored by the WEF and carried out by its neighbor in Geneva, Switzerland, the United Nations' World Health Organization (the WHO), have killed millions in the past two years, as the WHO's own statistics and estimates show.

You'll see from the WHO's counts of 'excess deaths' below. Also, like the NAZIs whom their careful, look-a-like grooming resembles, WEF Agenda Contributors such as Emmanel Macron and Justin Trudeau suggest that opponents of their obviously wrong-headed and injurious orders not be tolerated.

Justin Trudeau spoke to Canadian talk-show host Julie Snyder on December 29, 2021. Trudeau referred to the 'unvaccinated' as "racists'" and "misogynists" and asked again (he'd used the same words in September 2021): "Do we tolerate these people?" (16)

The World Economic Forum accepts only its 'future', a 'future' that must be 'digital'--its 'Information Highway' or no way. It invites 'Development' only if the 'Steps' for 'progress' profit the International Monetary Fund and likewise loan-sharking Banks. It slanders opponents as "racist" and "misogynistic" and questions whether such opponents should be tolerated.

While they declare 'Community' as their 'Common Ground', leading figures of the WEF practice elitism complete as a Cult’s—complete as a disease of mind and spirit. They so lack the 'empathy' that they espouse that they’re like cartoons. A truer name for this Forum might be expanded into the WETEF—the World Economic and Technological Enslavement Forum.

Hard War: A Scan of Nations' Losses in World War II

Let's look now at World War II, that very Hard War. World War II extends into our

21st century through the perspectives and directives of executives in the World Economic Forum such as Klaus Schwab and Chrystia Freeland. The Ukraine remains

a battlefield for resources and War there primarily funds Western Corporations.

How many died due to Banks-enabled NAZI, Fascist and allied racists' aggression in World War II? The World War II Museum in New Orleans rounds off its

The Soviet Union loses most in this scrupulous though approximate accounting--24 million total, of which 8.8 to 10.7 million are 'Military'. Germany loses next most 'Military'--an exact 5.533,000, with perhaps 3.3 million civilians also killed due to carnage and starvation. China suffers a total of 20 million estimated as killed--at least 16 million of them civilians. The 'Military' losses for the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Canada together total a little less than 1.1 million. (17)

So many thousands, hundred thousands, and millions!

Most of the dead, by far, amassedin the 'Deaths' from China, the Soviet Union, India, 'Dutch East', Poland, Romania and Yugoslavia.

Most of the dead, by far, 'Civilian'. We may pause to imagine what these numbers mean to those who suffered them. We may wonder again at the losses to humanity

through 'COVID' and 'vaccines' since January 2020--less than three years past.

Soft War: Continents' and Nations' Losses from 'COVID-19' and Its Pretexts

Let's look now at current numbers for our past 32 months of dead and injured through the Plague of COVID-19 and its Pretexts,. Many of us may now feel this Plague to be like a War, a War on bases of the 'Old Normal' that we still cherish--that 'Old Normal' of Choice, Consent, Health, Travel, Trust, Free Expression that we at least idealized and that we began to lose directly after September 11, 2001.

What totals do we see now, August of 2022, from the tolls attributed to the novel Coronavirus named by the United Nations' World Health Organization on February 11, 2020 COVID-19?

Both the WHO and Our World in Data, the Website administered by Johns Hopkins University, show for August 15, 2022 an approximate 6.4 million deaths attributed to COVID-19 or its 'variants.' (18)

We may look further and see and the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 vary vastly between Regions. Africa and its 53 Nations represent a minuscule sliver of the Our World In Data graph. (19)

Africa's 53 Nations comprise about 1.4 billion people, an approximate 17% of people on Earth. Africa's percentage of deaths attributed to COVID-19 worldwide is less than 4%. At the same time, Africa's percentage of 'vaccinated' people is much less than 20% and has remained so over more than one year, while Nations of Europe and the Americas average over 70%. (20)

Let's look back to 2019. Almost three years ago, 65 million deaths worldwide from a novel Coronavirus 'Pandemic', within 18 months of that modeled Pandemic's onset, were predicted by a United States-based 'simulation'. That is, on October 18, 2019, Event 201, a 'high-level table-top exercise' imagining global events due to the aforesaid Pandemic, took place in New York City. (22) Event 21 was hosted by the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security.

You can read below a more detailed summary from the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Health Security website. It's. a very predictive program.

'The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.' You may appreciate that the 'exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary' and recognize that 'public/private partnerships; are a need redundant as bells throughout Panels of Geneva and Davos. (23)

My first piece about COVID-19, from March 17, 2020, considered Event 201 and its

following 'Call to Action.' That piece from 30 months ago is titled 'COVID-19,

It writes:

'The post-simulation 'Call to Action' of Event 201 was particularly telling. Here's an excerpt. " ... 2. Industry, national governments, and international organizations should work together to enhance internationally held stockpiles of medical countermeasures (MCMs) ... The World Health Organization (WHO) currently has an influenza vaccine virtual stockpile, with contracts in place with pharmaceutical companies that have agreed to supply vaccines should WHO request them.... this virtual stockpile model could be expanded to augment WHO’s ability to distribute vaccines and therapeutics ... This should also include any available experimental vaccine stockpiles for any WHO R&D Blueprint pathogens to deploy in a clinical trial during outbreaks in collaboration with CEPI, GAVI, and WHO...." In other words, Event 201 recommends vaccines upon vaccines: 'stockpiles' of existing vaccines from 'pharmaceutical companies' that 'could be expanded to augment WHO's ability ...' and that could 'include any available available experimental vaccine stockpiles for any WHO Research & Development Blueprint pathogens to deploy .. in collaboration with CEPI... ' CEPI is the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, co-founded, you may guess, at the World Economic Forum in 2017 by the British Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Gates-founded and Gates-funded Gavi (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), and the Gates-funded WHO.' (24)

So we can see--looking backward over 30 months--that 'vaccines' were front and center in this WEF-sponsored "Event' ... and the WEF's Agenda of Soft War.

That is, remedies that might have readily saved millions of lives were NEVER part of the WEF's Agenda. You can read in the piece of March 17, 2020 how truly "efficacious" simple cure of concentrated Vitamin C was for Chinese in Wuhan.

You can click on the banner below and read about how wonderfully another simple Vitamin, Vitamin D, works for humans against viruses. (25)

It may hurt your heart to so read. You may feel how needless the 'COVID' deaths of thousands unto hundreds thousands unto millions have been.

You may feel that populations across the 'developed world' have undergone crimes comparable to the crimes against humanity executed by NAZIs' and their paramilitary allies.

'Excess Deaths'

In 2022 we see new numbers.

Lately the WHO and Big Media outlets such as Reuters--where Chrystia Freeland was Global Editor-at-Large and then Digital Editor from 2010 to July 2013, when she left to become a Liberal candidate for Canada's Parliament--have nearly tripled the estimate of 'excess deaths' due to COVID-19 and its 'variants' during 2021, our first year of receiving programs of 'mass vaccination.'

Here's Reuters on May 5, 2022.

One year earlier, May 21, 2021, the WHO and Reuters also reported 'excess deaths'.

The first four months of 2021 were evidently catastrophic for humans dying from COVID. Here's Reuters again:

'By May 20 2021, WHO statistics showed around 3.4 million people had died globally as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, although the real figure could be much higher, the WHO said.'

The first four months of 2021, we know, saw the "roll-out" of billions of COVID-19 'vaccines' worldwide.

Here's WHO-language from Autumn 2021 (the bolding here is the WHO's):

'Fully vaccinating 70% of the global population requires at least 11 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines. By end-September 2021, almost 6.3 billion doses had already been administered worldwide and contracts were in place for most of the remaining 4.7 billion doses. With global production at nearly 1.5 billion doses per month, from a supply perspective there will be sufficient doses to achieve the global vaccination targets if there is equitable distribution.' (28)

We see the WHO and Reuters going on about 'excess deaths' ... Who and what may really comprise 'excess deaths'?

The WHO and Reuters have by citing 'excess deaths' opened the subject for scrutiny. This scrutiny may be vastly incriminating on multiple levels. Let's look longer and closer.

Let's base ourselves in precepts for Journalism taught on every Continent: Where, When, Who, How and Why.

The What of Journalism Schools' 'Five W's and H' we know from the two Reuters posts above: the WHO's statements of deaths officially attributed to COVID and then of 'excess deaths'.

We see an 'officially reported' figure of '1.8 million' that may have been 'at least 3 million' in our year of COVID 2020, the year BEFORE 'vaccines'.

We see for the year of 2021 and its roll-out of 'mass vaccination', reaching percentages over 70% for 'complete initial protocol' in most of the world's top-10 Gross Domestic Product Nations, these numbers from the United Nations' World Health Organization: 'slightly more than 5.4 million' deaths 'directly attributable to COVID-19 ... from January 2020 to the end of December 2021' and '14.9 million excess deaths associated with COVID-19 by the end of 2021 . (29)

The numbers are multiply damning.

We see 3.6 million deaths ascribed directly to COVID-19 and its 'variants' by the WHO in 2021. We of course remember that 2021 was our year of 'vaccines'. Yes, and the WHO registered vaccines' 'coverage' as: 'By end September 2021 ... almost 6.3 billion doses ... already ... administered worldwide'.

We know, too, from the WHO and Johns Hopkins' Our World in Data data, above and below, that by August 2022 the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna or AstraZeneca/Oxford or Janssen (Bayer), COVAX, ... 'vaccines' have grown to EXCEED 12.3 billion in their number of injected doses.

We review again the WHO's 1.8 million deaths directly attributed to COVID-19 in 2020, the year that the 'Pandemic" raged in headlines of media such as Reuters.

In these Nations and more, MASS 'VACCINATIONS' against COVID-19 immediately preceded MASS DEATHS from COVID-19. (30)

You may now remember Africa's minuscule sliver of the World in Data graph, above, of Regions' deaths due to COVID.

You may remember that Africa's 53 Nations comprise about 17% of the world's population and yet a mere 4% of human deaths attributed to COVID-19. You may remember that peoples of Africa are much less than 20% 'vaccinated.'

African Nations, so little 'vaccinated' and yet so much less afflicted by COVID deaths! Africa, mystifying 'scientists'!

African Nations, too, are homelands where inexpensive, anti-malarial, anti-viral drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine (31) and Ivermectin (32) are ingested daily as part of hundreds millions' preventative diets.

Please see in this piece from June 2021 how Ivermectin has worked wonders--'Ivermectin Saves Hundreds Thousands Lives' (33)

Returning to the Five W'S and an H

What? ... When? ... Where? ... Who?

Who is dying? WHERE and WHEN are people dying of causes said in headlines to be 'COVID-related'?

Of WHAT are they really dying WHEN they die most after 'mass vaccination'?

We already know four of the '5 W's and an H'. We know What, Who, Where and When. We may guess--guess with a sickening unto galvanizing certainty--at the How and Why.

What horrors we witness! What horrors we endure!

32 months into the Plague visited on us by COVID-19 and this novel disease's Pretexts, we in the United States, Europe and Canada are watching the WEF's Soft War of Big Lies and mass deaths still unfold.

Successor of the Hard War of World War II--successor of World War II even unto involving descendants of NAZI adherents and partners--the secrets-laden Soft War of our early 21st century is projected by the World Economic Forum onto people of all Continents and especially onto citizens of the most developed Western Nations.

We who inhabit these 'developed Nations', you see, may be most readily equipped and able to resist the Soft War against us and our own descendants. We still have

the most access to information. Large majorities of us outside Austalia and Canada

remain armed.

Now we may want to focus on another Who.

Who--apart from the upper executives of the WHO based in Geneva, Switzerland--are main agents for the Soft War of 'Civilian Deaths' we've undergone since Spring of 2020?

The WEF's Agenda Contributors and Young Global Leaders, serving Heads-of-State and/or Committees, are responsible for Mandates that have vastly harmed our Public Health. Their Mandates have put the most vulnerable most at risk. Their Lockdowns have divided families and Nations' societies. They've closed Schools and Small Businesses. They've ordered Passes and Passports for work. They've banned cheap and proven preventions, treatments, and remedies, ... The above actions by WEF Agenda Contributors and Young Global Leaders have killed many more than hundreds of thousands in less than three years. Their actions amount to a Holocaust

by Mandates.

Chrystia Freeland, Chair of Canada's Committee on COVID-19 since March 2020 and a Trustee of the WEF since 2019, is a Young Global Leader of the year 2000. Gavin Newsom, Governor of California since 2019, is of the WEF's Young Global Leader year 2005. Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand trained at the WEF in 2014. Emmanuel Macron of France is of Young Global Leader year 2016. Macron joins "Do we tolerate these people?" Justin Trudeau as a current Agenda Contributor within the WEF. (34)

Ah, but now, August 2022, the WEF's Soft War is foundering even as it still afflicts us. The Soft War founders under contradictions that now Expand Exponentially through entire Nations' populations of victims and serial, High-Profile Episodes.

Let's look first at High-Profile Episodes first.

Several prominent Young Global Leaders, Contributors Agenda, and Heads-of-State, all of them 'vaccinated', have in the past four months 'experienced' COVID despite their injections.

Jacinda Ardern on Facebook took 'a quiet moment to get my booster' in early February 2022, three months after she urged New Zealanders to download their 'Vaccine Pass.' (35) Jacinda Ardern tested 'positive' for COVID-19 on May 14, 2022.

Gavin Newsom tested 'positive' on May 28, 10 days after his second 'booster' and one day after his meeting with Ardern to mark an improbable New Zealand/ California agreement on 'climate change.' (36)

Justin Trudeau tested 'positive' on June 13, his second reported 'Case' of 'COVID' this year. (37) The United States' self-declared embodiment of "science", quadruple-'vaccinated' Anthony Fauci, contracted COVID in mid-June. (38) Joe Biden took his second "booster"and tested positive twice in July. (39)

Biden, Fauci and Newsom all thanked via 'social media' such as Twitter the 2022 pill from Pfizer, Paxlovid, for their mild symptoms and quick recoveries.

What a helpful coincidence for Pfizer and Paxlovid! Paxlovid sales were dipping below Pfizer's $32 billion expectations for the pill in 2022 before the Newsom-Fauci-Biden trio's widely publicized thanks.

We can expect the Soft War to hold fast to Big Lies and Delusions, much like NAZIs

held fast into 1944 and 1945, despite facts, losses and contradictions. Well-established Doctors and institutions are, however, changing their advice. "For those people who really aren't at risk, ... I would recommend that they not take it," said Dr. Sandra Kemmerly of Ochsner Health in New Orleans about Paxlovid. (40) And facts grow

more inconvenient and untenable for the anti-freedom, anti-human Agenda of the World Economic and Technological Enslavement Forum. Dr. "I-am-science" Fauci has 'experienced' a "Paxlovid rebound' of more severe, long-lasting symptoms. (41) Joe Biden followed with his 'rebound' from the drug late in July. (42)

We outside this Bad Theater gather in a great, swelling wave toward positive change. We Survivors of the COVID Plague are a Majority near Eight Billion strong.

Big Lights Go On. We Survivors of 'COVID' and Its Pretexts Are a HUGE Majority. Our Compassion, Knowledge and Unity (Whether We're 'Unvaccinated' or 'Vaccinated') Can Change Everything.

We who have survived 'COVID' and 'vaccines', 'Mandates', "Passports' and other Pretexts, now number near eight billion people.

We survivors, 'unvaccinated' or 'vaccinated', must see what's been done to humanity over 30+ months. We all must see the Exponential Expansion of COVID victims ... victims who are 'vaccinated'. This awful Majority of 'vaccinated' victims within our larger, shared and vast, overall majority of Survivors--the 'vaccinated' outpacing on a per-capita basis those hospitalized and dead from COVID-19 and 'variants' during our months of 2022--grows ever starker. It shows how our combined Majorities CAN--with

compassion and unity--win the war against all of us.

We who have refused or otherwise escaped COVID 'vaccination' are likeliest to. be healthy. The rates of COVID illness and death for the 'unvaccinated' grow ever leas than for the 'vaccinated.'

The more of COVID-pretext injections, the worse is a person's likely health. Here are graphs for five months of 2022 in the United Kingdom, January through May, courtesy the National Institute for Health Statistics there. (43)

Month after month, from February through May 2022, those aged 60-69 who are 'Unvaccinated' in the U.K. have much the least 'Mortality Rate per 100k Person', while Rates for those with One or Two of Three 'Doses' climb.

Here's a chart from New South Wales, Australia's most populous State, home

to Sydney and Bondi Beach, of 'COVID Hospitalization by Vax Status' (44)

The chart records seven Weeks from May 28 to July 9, 2022. Week after Week, those with 'No dose' account for an average of less than 2 Hospitalizations in 1 million (which is defited as 'total measured events divided by the count of population with that of vax status times 1 million'), while those with '4+ doses' top 100 in every Week in which they're measured and climb in the latest Week to 218.

We have the above analysis thanks to Joel Smalley, a quantitative statistical analyst who contributes frequently through (45) and who belongs to HART, the Health Advisory and Recovery Team. (46)

Let's turn again to those who are saving lives. Let's thank our allies and contemplate what a majority of billions we Survivors of the Plague of COVID-19 and its Pretexts and 'variants', whether 'vaccinated' or 'unvaccinated', now are.

Joel Smalley is one of scores of authors telling truths on Substack. My window of Subscriptions on this online platform looks to more than 30 writers (47); Dr. Paul Alexander (48), Dr. Pierre Kory (49), the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance as a whole (50), Dr. Robert W. Malone (51), Celia Farber (52), Margaret Anna Alice (53), Karen Bracken (54), Edward Slavsquat (55), eugyppius (56), Steve Kirsch (57), RESCUE with Michael and Teresa Capuzzo (58), Peter and Ginger Breggin (59), Sage Hana (60),

Dr. Tess Lawrie (61), and Mark Crispin Miller (62) ... are just some MORE who give facts, insights and inspiration, often with élan and humor and always with heart.

We may thank another incalculable assembly, the medical professionals who have risked careers and saved literal millions of lives against COVID-19 over more than two years. The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance is one of thousands Doctors, Nurses, medical scientists. (63) The 'Great Barrington Declaration' for 'Focused Protection' now has 931,548 'signatures'--15,907 'medical and public health scientists', 47,104 'medical practitioners', 868,537 'concerned citizens.' (64)

of Canadian Doctors and Nurses and medical scientists, the Canadian COVID Care Alliance, rebutted Trudeau and Freeland neatly in October 2021. If you want to see the Freeland and Trudeau tag-team of Professional Liars lie and lie again, this one is for you.(70)

We have much of bravely alternative media to thank, too. Among the sites I often search are Brian Shilhavy's Health Impact News (71)--and Childrens Health Defense's The Defender (72)--and LifeSiteNews (73). This year my once-home country Canada's True North (74), Canada Proud (75), and Rebel News (76) were in the field with interviews straight from Canada's Freedom Convoy. Throughout their shining weeks--camping in sub-freezing cold--this first Freedom Convoy insisted that questions of Life or Death from mandated 'vaccines' deserve at least Public Debate in Constitutional Democracies and Republics. (77)

Ripples intersect every day. We who have survived the two years and eight months of Soft War through 'COVID' and its Pretexts are a Growing Pool and Irreversible Majority. We are the Many that the Few of the WEF's leading Partners may have never foreseen in their 'exercises.'

We may see a great deal more now. We may see more than was possible before our suffering through this obvious Soft War, as it's waged by the more truly named World Economic and Technological Enslavement Forum, the WETEF.

Other Realities. All 'COVID' Deaths Are 'Excess Deaths'

and the WEF and WHO Carry On Their Soft War

We may see other realities, basic as 'excess deaths' before and after 'mass vaccination', now. We may see that IF a novel 'virus' is admitted to be 'gain-of-function' (78) crafted in Laboratories to spike and clog humans' circulatory systems toward illness unto death, and that IF the novel 'vaccines' said to 'prevent' this disease are themselves murderous through gain-of-function, their gene-based spikes and nanoparticles proving to instead harm the 'vaccinated', raising 'variants' in their wake, as found last December by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and dr. Arne Burkhardt of Doctors 4 COVID Ethics (79) then ALL of the approximate 6.4 million deaths attributed by the World Health Organization to COVID-19, or the 15.4 million deaths so attributed, are needless and 'excess deaths.' We may then see what a cruel campaign is being waged, a Soft War unto Hard War comparable to NAZIs'. And

Thus knowledge unites us, every one of us survivors.

What we know now makes us both bonded and free. We have no choice but to care for each other. We must show compassion and unite for our mutual defense. That

unity--not of 'One World Government', but of infinitely different worlds--will then prosper like no single Civilization ever.

Apart from our new world of many worlds, the WEF and its WHO will go on with their games like players without control of their minds and spirits. Bill Gates will 'Prepare for the Next Pandemic' (82), as he's prepared the public through his GatesNotes and at WEF platforms since 2015 (83), with at least as much attention as he pays to his four private jets. Justin Trudeau will repeat why a 'Digital ID' is essential for Canadians' "health" and "safety", as he's done this current August and as he's trained to so repeat. They'll lie and smile and lie again. (84)

The WETEF as a Sponsored Apparatus for its 'Strategic Partners" will continue to extend bad Drugs and Debt to African Nations, with Gates and and his longtime beneficiary Paul Kagame (Head-of-State for Rwanda and Agenda Contributor) and Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla at the head. (85) True to their histories, these dealers never cease their efforts to increase dependency and sickness

And the hundreds--perhaps thousands--with genuinely charitable intentions among the 3600+ bright ones among the Young Global Leaders Forum (86) may, or may NOT, continue to soldier for 'Steps' of Drugs and Debt that reduce humanity to a more technologically enchained order of slaves ... slaves who may or may not be able to afford wearing 'Smart' garments that carry ... tracking through their Digital IDs. (87)

Let me thank another great website again. On June 1, 2022 the tirelessly revealing Vigilant Citizen site published 'The Top 10 Creepiest and Most Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum.'

#3 is 'Tracking Your Clothes'. (88)

'Ten years ago, The Vigilant Citizen helped to create a truth movement that has been gaining momentum ever since. Today, those who seek to deceive us are facing an ever-growing number of people who do not buy into the lies and the madness anymore. We’ve changed lives, spared children, and saved souls. And we must continue because things are getting serious. They are actively trying to divide and conquer us through lies and manipulation. More than ever, we must remain Vigilant Citizens.'

We who have survived the Soft War with eyes open, or with eyes forced open, 'unvaccinated' or 'vaccinated', may look back or look forward with shared gratitude.

We survivors, 'unvaccinated' and 'vaccinated', are a majority of billions. "Oh, we're a many / Millions, billions, counting you / ..." goes a song, "Love Over War", with Rivers Answer Moons. We who want effective care and medicines for the COVID-sick are also, I think, that same majority of billions.

"Organize!" With Compassionate Unity

Our Huge Majority Wins

Now we survivors with our knowledge can serve each other and serve ourselves.

"Organize!" Patronize the sellers and practitioners who help our lives grow. Reach out and come together toward objectives and projects. Form Local Councils and Local Chapters at the levels of District, Council, County, Parish, ... and merge these into Bodies and for State and Province ... that can in turn change the Governments, the internal structures, and the wholecourses of Nations.

For some prospective guides.... Reverse rule from the top-down. Make local global. Buy only from producers who are invested and paying Taxes in the 'Community' where we live and work. Empower each other. Abandon Amazon and Uber and Citi and Pfizer and all the WEF 'Strategic Partners' .. whose Shares and Boards are controlled by BlackRock and Vanguard. (90)

We can do anything. We make everything. Our work and our tools, creations

of this century and our working-class and middle-class ancestors' past centuries,

are the source of almost all humane progress and prosperity. Think back on

history from Continent to Continent. You'll see from what homes our greatest

lights have arisen. Marcian Hoff and Stanley Mazor, Pablo Picasso and D.H. Lawrence, Marie Curie and Rosalind Franklin, Mozart, Beethoven, Einstein, Arthur C. Clarke and Leonardo da Vinci, architect Ustad Ahmad Lahori AND the ruling aristocrat Shah Jahan and Muhammad Iqbal, Murasaki Shikibu (Lady Murasaki) and the superlative young athletic geniuses Armand Duplantis, Sydney McClaughlin, and Athing Mo. None owe a thing to 'Eugenics' or 'Transhumanism.'

Another Taj Mahal.

Sydney McClaughlin--2022 World Championships of Track and Field--the kind of sublime fitness and effort needed to break a World Record by more than 1.5%.

Here's one example of what 'Civilians' can do. Within the first three months of 2006, volunteers with Common Ground did times more than any Government: gathered locations and contacts for more than 12,000 former residents of the Upper and Lower 9th Wards, gutted 270 houses for residents' returning, and started or maintained Medical and Legal Clinics, a Women's Shelter, a House of Excellence for youth with 20+ computers open for use 16 hours every day. Volunteers ... Come together to combat with compassion that episode of Soft War visited on New Orleans through "the Federal flood." Knowledge of such Soft War was a binding strength for us then, just as clear-sighted knowledge of the WEF's Soft War makes survivors stronger now.

Such a Plenty of Good Things is opening for us now.... opening across Continents

among accomplishments of young people in particular ... so many as yet incomplete emergences of talent and cooperation ... that we simply don't have to endure any

more killing nonsense from the WEF's--or the WETEF's--Soft War against our freedoms our futures. What our combined powers and good will can do! Malcolm X / Malik El-Shabazz said: "We want your suggestions, we don't in any way claim to have the answers to everything. but we do feel that all of us combined can come up with an answer [ ....] With all the combined suggestions and combined talent and know-how, we do believe that we can devise a program that will shake the world. Frankly, that's what we need to do--shake the world." (91)

We can do SO much more than ever now, with our talents and tools. We can advance here and now on this glorious Earth, our once-in-a-universe-for-us Earth, with creations that will astonish and benefit everyone who wants to share fairly.

Don Paul moved with his mother from Manitoba to Reno for her Divorce in 1956. He

was the youngest winner of Wallace Stegner Fellowship in Creative Writing at Stanford, age 20 in 1971. He was a logger or roughneck between 1973 and 1980. He held the World Road Best for running 50 kilometers between 1982 and 1988, when Thompson Magawana

took that Record seven minutes faster, a time far more fitting for runners' abilities then. In the 21st century Don Paul has co-founded Housing Is a Human Right in San Francisco and Rebuild Green in New Orleans and worked as Operations Director for Common Ground, June through December 2006, after the "Federal flood" struck New Orleans. He and Maryse Philippe Déjean, his wife, now co-direct Sticking Up For Children in Haiti and New Orleans. He's the author of four novels, one book of stories, five collections of poems, and four books of non-fiction, including three on the role of supranational Banks in crimes of September 11, 2001. Thanks to his brother Kenton, he's recorded music since 1988. The latest two albums of the 28 that he's produced are Roger Lewis' ALRIGHT! and his own and the Rivers Answer Moons band's LOVE OVER WAR.


An Elite of Liars Who Can't Tolerate Opponents






7. Ibid












The Hard War, the Soft War, and 'Excess Deaths'







23. Ibid.


22, Ibid



25. Ibid.










The Five W's and H









A Majority of Eight Billion. Our Knowledge, Compassion and Unity Can Change Everything.














































88. Ibid




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