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_Prosecutue _em!_ Gallery Jan 6 2024.png

Left to right, Top Row to Bottom Row.

TEDROS of the WHO, SCHWAB of the WEF / FINK of BlackRock / LAGARDE of the IMF and the European Central Bank

GATES of the WEF, the WHO, the BMGF, and Microsoft / BARIC, DASZAK, and ZENGHLI of ‘SARS-Cov-2 : COVID-19’ /


TRUMP and FAUCI / TRUDEAU of Canada and the WEF / VON DER LEYEN of the European Commission and the WEF /

BOURLA of Pfizer and the WEF / STEINER of the U.N. and the WEF / INTERVIEWER smug with valueless Q-and-A /


MACRON of France and the WEF / FREELAND of Canada, the WEF and Bilderberg Group / FORESTER DE ROTHSCHILD

of the CIC / WALENKSY of the CDC / GEORGIAVA of the World Bank, IMF, and the WEF / HARIRI of TED and the WEF.

_Prosecutue 'Em!_ lyrics.png

                                                “Prosecute ‘Em!”




Prosecute ‘em!


We deserve it!


Prosecute ‘em


For our freedom!


Prosecute ‘em


For their Mandates!


Prosecute ‘em


For their Lockdowns!


Prosecute ‘em


For our future!


Prosecute ‘em







Prosecute ‘em


For their fanning of fears


And their banning of cures


For their lying and our dying


For the grandmas and the grandpas


Gulled and killed in Rest-Homes and Hospitals


With Ventilators, Remdesivir, and No Visitors





How many? Hurt ones!


How many! Sad ones!


How many? Lost ones!


How many? Now are with us no more!





Prosecute ‘em!


For their ‘vaccines’


Prosecute ‘em


For their shots’ ’Spike Proteins’


Prosecute ‘em


For their shots’ ‘Gain-of-Function’


Prosecute ‘em


For their shots’ Amyloids and Prions


Prosecute ‘em


For their shots’ Cobalt and Chromium


Prosecute ‘em


For their shots’ Aluminum, Silicon, Sulphur and Titanium


Prosecute ‘em


For their shots’ Lipid Nanoparticles’ making clots

like plastic snakes that grow inside our veins


Prosecute ‘em


For their shots’ mRNA chips’ Operating Systems


Prosecute ‘em


For their shots that would turn our life into prisons

of ‘Digital Systems’ that become ‘DNA systems’


Prosecute ‘em


For their shots’ myocarditis, pericarditis,

embolisms and thrombosis


Prosecute ‘em


For their shots’ paralysis and heart-attacks


Prosecute ‘em







Prosecute ‘em


For the young who followed the old,


For the Doctors, Nurses, Pilots, Students, …


Forced to take shots by their Jobs and Schools


For the athletes’ and infants’ seizures on fields and in cribs


For the parents wracked with worries and then with sorrows, too


For their lying and our dying





How many? Hurt ones!


How many! Sad ones!


How many? Lost ones!


How many? Now are with us no more!





Prosecute ‘em!


Ev’ry guilty Actor


Prosecute ‘em


Ev’ry Doctor selling poisons


Prosecute ‘Em


Ev’ry Board approving frauds


Prosecute ‘em


Ev’ry Orderer of compliance


Prosecute ‘em


Ev’ry Thief and Partner


Prosecute ‘em


Ev’ry Agenda Contributor


Prosecute ‘em


Ev’ry Asset Manager


Prosecute ‘em


Ev’ry Bankster Pharisee Descendant


Who would rob and kill our humanity





How many? Hurt ones!


How many! Sad ones!


How many? Lost ones!


How many? Now are with us no more!



Prosecute ‘em


For our future

       our future of growing even more food


For our children

       our children reading even more books


And their children

        their children restoring our Earth

And for the unborn

        for the unborn


With gifts as unknown


As plants of Prairies and Amazon



Prosecute ‘em


For the ENDING of fears


And the COMING of cures


For the BRILLIANCE ahead




Who are both our Ancestors


And our Tomorrows





How many? Bright ones!


How many! Good ones!


How many? Great ones!


How many? We have with us today!



Don Paul, January to June, 2023

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